Thursday, January 30, 2014

The end is approaching
In the near future our home, Planet Earth, will suffer some dramatic changes. The harsh upcoming climates will alter the world´s normal functioning leading to many disasters.
Global Warming will affect the temperatures around the world by making the planet hotter. The holes made in the Ozone layer will be unfixable and the sun’s radiation will cause greater damage. This will lead to the evaporation of the poles and glaciers and because of this, sea levels will be higher. Most cities in the coasts will be under water and millions of people will die. Only those living far away from oceans may have a chance of living some more years. The water temperature will rise killing a lot of species in the Ocean, which in fact is one of the major food sources we have – or will have had...
Most flora and fauna will be damaged and there will be a major collapse in our food chain. Most resources will be scarce in the world and lots of people will die of hunger. The shortage of supplies will lead to desperation amongst humans and this can conduct people to start eating each other. Cannibalism will return to Planet Earth and only the strongest men will remain alive.
The only privileged humans that will survive these apocalyptic events will be the richest families. They will be able to leave Earth in giant spaceships in the search for a new planet to live in. These astronautic machines will be able to take thousands of people with all the necessary essentials that people need in order to stay alive. In order for someone to leave Earth in this spaceship, the needed payment is an amount of 25 million Dollars, which makes it almost impossible for most of the world’s population to pay. If the family is extended, it makes it even more expensive and tragic to decide whom to take along.
The return to Planet Earth for these spaceships will be impossible. The extreme temperatures and the termination of all living nature will transform our World into an inhabitable place. The only hope for mankind to outlast will be to find another planet in which to establish and create a new world to live in.

This apocalyptic prophecy will be accomplished in this millennium. The end of the world is near but mankind can still be saved by the technology we have created. Planet Earth’s end is approaching and we must start to prepare for it. Mankind cannot disappear.